in search of Existence...
Days are passing...
In closed room looking out of window...
I feel sun..I feel Its rays...
all in search of existence...
I hold back... to solve the puzzle..
Puzzle of annoyance, puzzle of ego...
Puzzle of annoyance, puzzle of ego...
I hold back
I paint it black... I paint it white...
I paint it... the color I like...
the puzzle is same the puzzle is unchanged...
I see my hand via the rays...
I see orange...
See what I see..... feel what I feel...
Touch me and see what you feel...
the fight of existence remains via out the days...
days pass... in search of existence....
I see my self marching on the land of sand...
where dunes form and deform...
where I see my shadow follow my steps....
oh! my silhouette... make your own way...
follow your dreams... with the days of existence...
as days are passing...
passing in search of existence...